I totally thought I put the link for the Yum Yum Tree cd in the comments... uhh I didn't. Oops.
A couple of notes...
I converted a tiger trap 7"-the supergrass 7'' to be exact. I dunno, is it common? At least to illegally download? I didn't know about until recently. It has a song on it that's not on their two main releases, which is awesome because they didn't put out much! So that'll be up probably Wednesday. Maybe even Tuesday if I have my shit together (rare, sigh). Oh snap, it's already Tuesday....well late Tuesday. Maybe if you all prey to the twee pop gods. Maybe.
Check out this defunct-ish band that splintered into Grass Widow. A friend has a cd of them that I hope to borrow and when that happens you will also enjoy the wonderfulness that is Yes Please.
Yes Please
I swear the yum yum tree cd is in the comments. I SWEAR.
The download link is: http://sharebee.com/3529962b