*cough cough*
*is this thing on?*
I hate midtermz, but the one thing I do like about them is that they make me listen to music beyond what is required for my radio show (think the complete opposite of what I post on this blog, ;P). I study listening to music, so I make it my "sit on the bed with big80s headfonze in some stereotypical Johnhues fashun" rock/folk recurd time. Thosewhoknowmeknow I LIKE the folkstuff4musicstudyingso I was getting coZEE with Alela Diane's album that came out right when I heard it (spoiler al3rt: she's the focuz of theenext POSTof this bLOG, she just keeps getting betterANDshe has givemne NO choice byt to speck favorbly4her). Of curseu can't curse on kDVs, slipping back into old listening habits! caused! somewhat?somehow of a music relapse into the world
of female vocalsYcute twee punsYriot grrrlY"snaps" of approval. But sometimes I miss being a somewhat normal DJ on KDVS, but let's keep Boris out of this. andout of of thebigblackcloud over theplane of nevada hey hey that wusz aninside JK!
Yikes, too much personal shit and weird thought patterns. Long story short, before I knew it, I was naked and cracked out, wandering the streets of midtown Sacramento hipsterironically with my old walkman listening to a shitty tape copy of an album that I just fell in love even though its kinda a ripoff and its actually not even new butstill reallyawesomeandit'sby Blockshot-CUUULso: Normally, I try and pick a cool female fronted hip band with a new record from the bay area for my "who i'm in love with" band. But hell, whaddya know, I've already been in love with the Sandwitches and Shannon and the Clams, the only bands that meet that criteria with new albums that I can recall in the aftermath of my postmiderm slushbrain. So now, I'll expand my horizons to Germany.
Blockshot is the moderNold soundsof your favorite Riot Girrrl headbanzssss:=sound wise, think Excuse 17, but not quite capturing the ferocity of Carrie Brownstein at her best. God, SO GOD GREATONY it's cerreal to begreat to be back in punk land, where being a music nerd is like a warm gluve. yikesosIheard their most recent album came out in 2008, but since ever since I heard the Pixies I haven't known where my mind is; I just heard it recentlyONKDVSINDAVISKALIFUNRIA
song: Yesterday, You Were Too Drunk, Today You're Not Drunk Enough
album: After the Beep
listen: here
//////\\\\\\\heyheyHEY I almustve forGETTEN that I alwayze put up a tracker2fer U to enjoy frUM my old "whu i be in luv widride now" so here goes herez a coolnewgarageypoppyrockabilly track from!...none other then SHANNON and her CLAMZ. perk up yr earzwith a new sneakypeekyboo ofs their NEW NEW album
sleep talk
Keep tuned for my review of Alela Diane's new album...
...this post was also randomly inspired by David D. Young's poetry. He usually publishes his work in KDViationS (here), although I AM SOSAD toANNOUNCE that I don't have as much crateACTIVITY as heduZ.
-ginger snap!
don't buy that Boris shit dudez
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